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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

U.S. Navy's role in the Fight against Terrorism Continues

For the first time since the Vietnam War, the Navy has deployed a "riverine" squadron. To the rest of the Navy they are usually known as the "brown water navy" since they spend their time patrolling rivers and other sources of water other than the open waters of the ocean. RIVRON 1 was deployed to the Middle East to help Marine forces patrol the inland waters to help with security. The sailors have been combat training with Marines at Camp Legeune in North Carolina to get ready for their new duty. The sailors interviewed seemed excited but nervous, which is understandable since most sailors, other than SEALS, are not deployed for this type of duty. RIVRON 1 is part of the Navy Expeditionary Combat Command and will be helping Marines "facilitate stability in the area". So now, besides providing Aircraft and support from a Carrier Group, submarines, and Navy SEALS in the Middle East, the Navy has made its way inland to provide support to troops and additional security forces. The Navy's role continues to increase and become a more important asset in the fight against terrorism.

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