If anyone needs submarine escape training it is the Russian Navy. Over the years the Russian Navy has compromised safety in order to get ahead of its rivals. In order to create a faster torpedo, the Russian Navy used a hydrogen peroxide fuel to power their torpedoes. In doing so, the highly corrosive and explosive fuel is what caused the Kursk to sink in 2000, killing 118 crewmembers. Remember Harrison Ford in K-19 the Widowmaker? The movie was based on the actual accident that took place in 1961. Some of the crewmembers died when the nuclear reactor sprung a major leak and the temperature almost caused a meltdown. There was no back-up coolant system and the crew did not have the proper gear to help protect them. Not to mention there was only one shield between the reactor and the crew space. Even the captain of the K-19 stated that it was not fit for combat. There are more disasters that I could go into, and yes, even the US has had its share of submarine casualties. The reason I am pointing out the Russian Navy is because of its carelessness for the safety of its personnel. I am not sure how they do it in the Soviet Union, but when a US sub is finished, several shipyard members ride it out with the crew on the first run and during several testing phases. Just one way to ensure that the submarine is of quality workmanship! I am not saying that the Russian Navy in general is not capable, the "upper management" just seems to rush and take too many short-cuts in order to keep from falling behind.
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